As such, he is also the patron of artisans, obsession and the cycle of creation and destruction.
He is the god of fire, the forge and the restless earth, whose dominion is the raw creativity that can be tapped into by sapient minds.
Suggested Cleric domains for Purphoros are Forge and Knowledge. RELATED: Dungeons & Dragons: 5 Tips for Successfully Multiclassing
If he appears as one of the latter forms, the mortals who see him aren't likely to survive long enough to tell anyone of the sight. He sometimes appears as a phoenix or a bull made of cooling lava, however, when angry, he can appear as a volcanic eruption, a mass of lava or a blazing fire. He appears as a muscular man with coal-hued skin, which is mostly covered in mutable, organic bronze. Purphoros is a Chaotic Neutral god whose symbol is a double crest. Here's a breakdown of the gods in Mythic Odysseys of Theros. The higher their piety, the more likely they are to receive divine blessings. Each time a champion does something in service to their god, their piety score increases (at the DM's discretion). Worshipers can become champions for their chosen god by performing actions that advance the god's interests or behaving in accordance with their ideals. Theros' gods represent a range of moral alignments, Cleric domains and abilities. It's a large, dysfunctional family which has expanded through divine evolution across four generations. True to the sourcebook's inspiration, the Theros pantheon and its 15 gods are very involved in mortal lives - which gives players and Dungeon Masters tons of new material and influences to explore. In addition to new races, subclasses, beasts and backgrounds, the book also introduces an all-new pantheon of gods and goddesses. The Dungeons & Dragons sourcebook Mythic Odysseys of Theros presents a world inspired by Ancient Greece.